We are a bridge and Anchor for positive outcomes.

We help communities and individuals insure their Human Rights due to situations such as gang violence, drug infested areas, police brutality, discrimination, lack of schools, medical facilities, or whatever funds are set forth to accomplish what is needed in desired areas. We will connect with proper grass-rooted organizations in specified areas for the sole purpose of completing said tasks. Connecting with recommended aggressive legal teams and other companies when needed, as well as maintaining solid mental growth throughout our inner-cities.

Clearing Streets

In the early 2000s made an effort to decrease the presence of visible illegal drug activity within the City of Cleveland Ohio, which eventually decreased the crime level. In process of spreading similar efforts nationally and globally.

Police Accountability

In process of having a bill heard and possibly passed by lawmakers within all of the United States’ Territories to have police officers held accountable for unlawful killings of suspects. 
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